Note: Harley sent her last litter to their forever homes in early February 2022 and is now retired. She is our beloved pet and now gets to play with tennis balls and snuggle on the couch as much and she wants, whenever she wants.

Harley came to us at two months old in October of 2016 along with her brother River. She was from the beginning very loving, intelligent and inquisitive. She earned the AKC “Canine Good Citizen” title at 14 months old. She grew into an amazingly beautiful girl with a nice shade of medium golden wavy hair and beautiful light (some would say white) highlights.

She is genetically clear, has OFA hip, elbow, heart and eye clearances and has always remained healthy. She is athletic and ball focused like no other dog we have ever seen; she lives to chase tennis balls. If it is cool outside, it’s unlikely the human throwing the ball will be able to last as long as she does. She still loves playing in the Texas heat but like any other long haired dog, she takes sensible breaks. She is very good at catching tennis balls in the air and in fact prefers that. If by chance she loses a thrown ball in the grass, it’s amazing to watch her automatically set up a search grid and find it by smell.

Harley has a knack for playing at the proper level with whatever dog she plays with. Her litter mate River has a lifelong heart condition (not genetic) and tends to tire easily. Harley knows this and plays easier with him and is willing to stop when HE wants to. When playing with puppies that are just a few months old, she plays very gently with them. When she plays with Emma or Dexter our brothers standard poodle, it’s full blast energetic play complete with zoomies. This sort of behavior shows amazing empathy for a dog and we love that about her.

Harley loves to lay her head on our laps and really loves it when we scrunch her ears. She likes to “hug” meaning she will try to put her front feet on your shoulders and accept hugs. She enjoys walking between our legs (over and over if we let her) receiving pats and ruffling of her fur. She is sleeping on the floor next to my office chair as I type this.
She loves going with us everywhere. She does really well in the car and loves meeting new people, especially children. She likes water and swimming but mostly she likes retrieving tennis balls in the water.
AKC Registered name: Miss Harley Quinn
Call Name: “Harley”
Born August 16, 2016
- View Pedigree data for Harley
- View Harley’s Certified AKC pedigree
- American Kennel Club – Canine Good Citizen
Health Clearances
- OFA Hips – GOOD – GR-123484G24F-VPI
- OFA Elbows – Normal – GR-EL43124F24-VPI
- OFA Heart – Normal – GR-CA33589/24F/P-VPI
- OFA Eyes – clear – GR-EYE15604/24F-VPI
- DM – Clear – Animal Genetics Labs
- MD – Clear – Animal Genetics Labs
- prcd-PRA – Clear – Animal Genetics Labs
- GR-PRA2 – Clear – Animal Genetics Labs
- GR-PRA1 – Clear – Animal Genetics Labs
- ich – Clear – Animal Genetics Labs